Luxury Bikes

When is the “right” age/time to go to the dark side (eeb)? – The Hub – Mountain bike forums/message boards

Hopefully this is a little different from the usual Eeb or non-Eeb thread/debate due to its age

I was talking to a few friends about it on the motorcycle over the weekend

I’m 32 years old, ride most weekends (mostly uphill and then downhill) and keep myself fit and healthy throughout the week – the temptation to EEB doesn’t come from a lack of fitness or the need for help to complete longer rides – It would can only be used as a self-shuttle machine to take advantage of the climbs on the highway and pack as much downhill as possible into one trip

I live in South Wales in the UK where there are lots of fantastic riding areas which are mostly dirt road climbs and then a wide range of descents – on some larger hills the descent takes around 4-5 minutes

99% of our riding buddies still ride regular bikes, but a few of us say “I’ll buy one when I’m 40,” which seems more than reasonable to me, we deserve it then 😂

However, this is the debate that’s on my mind: Would I regret not getting one sooner when I’m riding the most I’ve ever ridden in my life and probably doing the best I can realistically ever achieve? (It’s all relative, there’s no way I’m going to win anything 😂)

Towards the end of the 30’s/early 40’s the nervousness will certainly calm down and the purpose of being a purely self-shuttle machine seems almost lost by then when the driving has calmed down a bit and the rides have changed by then couldn’t just concentrate on the descents?

I don’t think I would be interested in an EEB for all day adventure riding because I’m worried about something going wrong or the battery dying and all I’m left with is a 50 pound paperweight to get home with, and it is more satisfying to undertake these adventures under, in my opinion, your own strength. It would be used solely for smashing fire roads and driving downhill.

It’s also a big investment – I would almost certainly have to sell one of my bikes to make money and space for it if I ever went the EEB route, but the bike that would realistically replace it (my enduro bike) , is my pride and joy.

I have:

180/170 Nomad enduro bike which is my main bike

140/140 Sentinel trail bike I’ve almost finished building – the bike that “keeps fit in trail centers when the real trails are underwater.”

DH bike – it’s my restored IH Sunday that will probably only be ridden 10-15 times a year for nostalgia reasons

DJ Bike – something to go to the pump track in the summer and to the indoor skate park on the winter evenings to spend some time on the bike when the weather is at its worst

Has anyone else gone through a similar debate in their head?


Make the most of the descents of a ride

Self-shuttle capacity

Take advantage of the time after work as the nights draw in

An easy option when the weather is absolutely terrible: put on full rain gear and don’t worry about boiling over in it while riding

An easy option if you’re sore or tired from rides earlier in the week


They still seem to be unreliable AF in the long run when driven furiously – my buddy’s Kenevo SL seems to break down at least once a month, and when the engine warranty runs out you’re basically left with a ticking time bomb?

Expensive expenses and maintenance – engine problems above and also increased wear and tear on the drivetrain/wheels/tires/brakes/suspension/everything really 😂

They are still improving them, but the innovation has slowed down a bit, apart from the new SRAM motor or the Bosch racing motor it seems – if I had actually waited until my late 30s, e-bikes would certainly be even more powerful and reliable by then , probably easier too

I would probably have to sell the existing bike that I only finished building last year

Can anyone think of any other pros/cons? Do you think mid-30s would be the ideal time to purchase? A few more years would ease the pain of selling the enduro bike and possibly save enough to not have to make the sale entirely.

Interested to hear people’s thoughts!

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